HIPAA Privacy Statement

 The Health Insurance of Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law designed to protect the health and medical information – electronic and physical – of clients admitted to health care organizations. It protects the privacy of clients and simplifies billing and electronic transactions by regulating codes and procedures.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule established a minimum federal standard for using and disclosing Protected Health Information (PHI) for health care organizations. Health care organizations need to provide their clients with a Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP), which explains patients their rights regarding their private health care records. Under HIPPA, clients have the right to:

1.  Examine and copy their medical history
2.  Request an amendment or addendum to their medical history
3.  A report of disclosures of their private health care information
4.  Request restrictions to issue their medical history
5.  Request communication to be confidential between the health care facility and them

WJW Treatment Centers complies with the HIPAA and protects their clients’ health information or any other information that can easily identify them, such as demographic data.

Your Recovery is Our Mission

Get started on your road to wellness.

(714) 862-5894


13222 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92840